Refund and Returns Policy

We hope that you’ll be very happy with your purchases from, but understand that you may change your mind and wish to return an item and seek a refund. If this is the case you need to let us know in writing no longer than 14 days after the date on which you received the products.

Please email us on with your contact details and your order details and let us know why you are returning an item so that we can put things right for you. You’ll then be sent a returns address and details of how to proceed.

Please return your item in unused, good condition, ideally with its original packaging within 14 working days from the date you received the products. The refund includes the original delivery charge, we are unable to offer free returns.

If you return goods to us, please use an insured method of despatch and obtain proof of posting. We can’t accept liability for returned goods being lost or damaged in transit.

Please note that refunds can take up to 14 working days to process.